Product Notice: EUCO-2K1200GxA Luminaire Over Temperature Protection Function Upgrade

To better serve our customers, Delta has upgraded the luminaire over temperature protection (OTP) function for the EUCO 2K1200GIA and EUCO-2K1200GDA LED drivers. This enhancement introduces compatibility with a 10Kohm NTC, offering an alternative to the default 33Kohm NTC. This upgrade does not affect any other features or functions of the driver.

Please refer to the table below for detailed information on the change.

Implementation Date: March 1, 2024

Details of the Change:

Before After
Compatible NTC Type Date Code Range
33Kohm NTC
Before “ZZZZZ124XXXXX”
(Before the 12th week of 2024)
Compatible NTC Type Date Code Range
33Kohm NTC
10Kohm NTC
Starting from “ZZZZZ124XXXXX”
(Start from the 12th week of 2024)

For more details, kindly consult “Appendix 7. Programmable External Over Temperature Protection” in the updated datasheet.

To check the date code, please follow these guidelines:

Locate the date code consisting of:

  • ZZZZZ: The last 5 characters of the Lot Number
  • WW: Week Code, ranging from 01 to 52
  • Y: Year Code, where 2024 is represented by 4
  • XXXXX: Serial Number

Should you require any further clarification, please refer to the latest specifications on the DeltaPSU website or reach out to us via our Contact Us Form.

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